Use paintbrush mac
Use paintbrush mac

use paintbrush mac
  1. #Use paintbrush mac software
  2. #Use paintbrush mac Bluetooth

They also showed me a drum pad plus an MPC-style MIDI controller that can be used in tandem with Ableton Live, a music-production and performance application. In fact, you could even theoretically join two Sensel Morphs together to build out a larger piano keyboard. The keyboard can be used as an iPad input device, for example, while the piano overlay can be used in a number of different music applications. Zarraga and Rosenberg then showed me different use cases for the overlays.

#Use paintbrush mac software

Each one has magnets in it so they snap easily into place, which can in turn trigger the software to recognize that specific overlay. He then shows me an array of different 3D-printed silicone overlays - a keyboard, a piano and even a drum kit - that can be placed over the Morph and used in different applications. "Because it's pressure-sensitive, we can sense through any kind of flexible material," says Zarraga. Want to draw something on a piece of paper, but have it digitized as well? No problem, just put it over the Morph and doodle away with your regular pen or pencil. If that isn't enough to wow you, check this out: It can sense pressure even through layers. "It's this sort of thing that enables vocations like painting," explains Aaron Zarraga, Sensel's CTO and other co-founder. I tried it out with a water bottle, and sure enough, a round indentation showed up on the screen when I placed it on the Morph's surface. It's not just fingers either - you can put any object on the Morph and it'll sense it. As I pressed harder, the colors deepened.

use paintbrush mac

Rosenberg demonstrates this with some software that translated my fingertip touches as colored points on a grid. It's pretty similar to how Wacom's pressure-sensitive tablets work, except you don't need a special stylus. This gives the Morph huge dynamic range and the ability to pick up even the lightest of touches. Underneath such a nondescript exterior, however, are 20,000 pressure-sensitive sensors, which far exceed the four "force" sensors on Apple's Force Touch. The black surface itself feels really smooth and supple to the touch almost like a soft leather.

#Use paintbrush mac Bluetooth

It includes a lithium-polymer battery (it should last a week of normal use and a month on standby), Bluetooth connectivity and a slim strip that houses multiple LEDs.

use paintbrush mac

Along the top is a thick silver bezel that houses the device's internals. It measures 240mm long by 169.5mm wide and 6.75mm thick - about the size of an iPad. "This is it," said Ilya Rosenberg, Sensel's CEO and co-founder, presenting to me a rather unassuming black slab.

Use paintbrush mac